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Practical BI: Better insights for decision making

About this webinar

Sage 200 gives you full control and visibility across your entire organisation, alongside being able to track your financials. But what happens when the requirement moves beyond your Sage 200 info and into the realms of multi-source business intelligence?

Our trusted partner, Nectari, has the answer. We’ve worked with Nectari for many years as a Business Intelligence partner and we’re pleased to share with you that their solution integrates seamlessly with Sage 200 and can deliver value to your decision-making - providing insight from multiple sources, Excel reporting, and multi-company intelligence.

Watch our online seminar to hear about the trends being seen within the BI world, and practical advice on how you can incorporate Nectari to add insight beyond your financial reporting in Sage 200.

What you'll learn:

  • How business-wide insight and intelligence can support your decision making
  • Trends in Business Intelligence
  • A demonstration of Nectari and how it will deliver beyond your Sage 200 financial reporting

Better your business intelligence

Powerful business intelligence can give you the insights to make purposeful decisions. Get in touch to find out how you can incorporate Nectari into your Sage 200 solution.