Add-on products and services

Eureka Sales Order Plus

Compatible with:

Sage 200

Streamline your sales order entry process and increase sales with the feature-rich solution that integrates seamlessly with Sage 200.

Accelerate your processes and your sales

Whether you're selling online, on the phone, or over the counter, customers expect fast and efficient service. Eureka Sales Order Plus for Sage 200 centralises product and customer information, with time-saving tools that speed up your processes and help you uncover new opportunities.

Work faster

Enter multiple sales orders quickly using predefined product descriptions and process orders up to 10x faster with one-click processing.

Sell more

Identify cross-sell opportunities with complementary product recommendations, delivered straight to your sales reps.

See everything

Seamless Sage 200 integration consolidates your data, so you can access everything from one screen – including order details, item history, and more.

Sage add-ons from Datel

Our expert team reviews every add-on, so you can rest assured anything we recommend will integrate seamlessly with your Sage solution.

Trusted Sage enhancements

Work smarter with powerful add-ons that enhance the core functionality of your Sage solution.

Our stamp of approval

We vet every add-on against financial, technical, and security criteria to ensure we recommend only the best solutions.

Hear about the latest tech

We're always looking for the next great innovation to elevate your Sage solution and bring you the very best offerings.

Eureka Addons solutions and Datel

Eureka Addons is a well-established development partner of Sage 200, with expert knowledge of the core application, technical expertise, and application experience. They've been awarded Sage Developer of the Year five times, which is a testament to their focus on Sage 200. Datel values its partnership with Eureka Addons. Their solutions extend the core application and are built on a foundation of Sage 200 knowledge, expertise, and customer insight.  

Eureka Addons

Perfect your processes

If you’d like to know more about how you can enhance your Sage 200 solution with rapid order entry and processing, speak to us today.