Support Services from Datel
Discover Datel’s additional support services for Sage 200 and Sage X3. We offer three specialised services beyond standard break/fix support, tailored specifically for your Sage platform.
Discover Datel’s additional support services for Sage 200 and Sage X3. We offer three specialised services beyond standard break/fix support, tailored specifically for your Sage platform.
Our specialist support services help you get the most out of your ERP investment.
Award winning break-fix Sage support for all Datel customers.
Additional Service
Ensure business continuity with our proactive Sage monitoring service.
Additional Service
Ease the pressure on your in-house team, alleviate the need to firefight issues, and help your Sage system end users optimise their usage of the solution.
Additional Service
A system manager service providing expertise and advice directly to you.
Each of our support services - Assist, Monitor and Manage - have been designed specifically for Sage 200 and Sage X3. What’s included in the solution is outlined below.
Server Daily Checks
Check system space, SQL logs, backups have run successfully and general server housekeeping.
SQL Daily Checks
SQL is up and running, SQL error log and SQL jobs have ran successfully.
Check BI event log to ensure cubes have refreshed successfully.
Clearing logging off disconnected logins.
Clearing Reserved Qty values.
Clearing ## orders (crashed orders) that are more than two days old.
Check for missing indexes and address any issues.
Ensure backups are still running and clearing.
Any new Databases are included in maintenance plan.
Check transactional log growth is being managed.
Projection of Database growth since last quarter.
Database copies.
'Live to demo' are carried out free of charge to ensure that, when required the test database reflects the live environment.
Sage Advice Calls
Users can call for any reason.
For example, advice on 'how do I' questions, queries on the best way to make the system work for you, finding fields to hold new information.
End User Support
The team takes over the end user support.
Calls can be taken for all users of all abilities.
User Settings
Setting up new Sage users and changes to existing users, amendments to access rights etc., create and maintain users within CRM.
Amendments (CRM)
Amendments of screens, lists and creation of fields.
Within our Assist and Manage service options, Datel takes a pragmatic approach to helping in these areas. If the work required is deemed reasonable it will be performed within the contract. If a large amount of work is required a charge will be agreed with the Customer.
Scripting (CRM)
Basic client side scripting.
System Settings
System Settings amendments under change control with advice given to customers based on our knowledge of their system.
Data Imports
Assistance and guidance.
Within our Assist and Manage service options, Datel takes a pragmatic approach to helping in these areas. If the work required is deemed reasonable it will be performed within the contract. If a large amount of work is required a charge will be agreed with the Customer.
SQL Views
SQL views written to assist in the writing of more complex reports.
SQL Advice
'How do I' type issues and general help with SQL queries.
Customer Shadowing
Consultants take time to shadow the customer and understand their business allowing them to give more accurate and personalised advice.
Site Visits
Carried out by the Customer Support Services team for development reviews, inclusion in workshops and training. Full write up provided after each visit. *
Within our Assist and Manage service options, Datel takes a pragmatic approach to helping in these areas. If the work required is deemed reasonable it will be performed within the contract. If a large amount of work is required a charge will be agreed with the Customer.
Bespoke Software Support
As our team is aware of all bespoke on your site they can assist in the speedy resolution of these calls.
Many small projects are carried out by the Customer Support Services team.
More complicated projects may require consultancy.
Report Writing (Sage)
New minor reports developed or existing reports amended.
Within our Assist and Manage service options, Datel takes a pragmatic approach to helping in these areas. If the work required is deemed reasonable it will be performed within the contract. If a large amount of work is required a charge will be agreed with the Customer.
Reporting (CRM)
Amendment/creation of views for reporting, assist to create reports and offer short training sessions for adding standard reports. Creation of gadgets for dashboards.
Within our Assist and Manage service options, Datel takes a pragmatic approach to helping in these areas. If the work required is deemed reasonable it will be performed within the contract. If a large amount of work is required a charge will be agreed with the Customer.
Archiving analysis (how many items, date and number of these items) is carried out free of charge, along with recommendations and advice.
Assistance with Sales, Purchase, Cash Book and Stock to Nominal Reconciliations.
Within our Assist and Manage service options, Datel takes a pragmatic approach to helping in these areas. If the work required is deemed reasonable it will be performed within the contract. If a large amount of work is required a charge will be agreed with the Customer.
Create or amend Spindle documents automation and operations. Design and implement Spindle backdrops.
Within our Assist and Manage service options, Datel takes a pragmatic approach to helping in these areas. If the work required is deemed reasonable it will be performed within the contract. If a large amount of work is required a charge will be agreed with the Customer.
Business Intelligence
For customers with BI, build backup and Analysis Services cubes into the SQL checks.
Fusion Notify/Orbis Alerts
Alerts set up/maintained.
Within our Assist and Manage service options, Datel takes a pragmatic approach to helping in these areas. If the work required is deemed reasonable it will be performed within the contract. If a large amount of work is required a charge will be agreed with the Customer.
Carry out Sage 200, Draycir Credit Hound, Spindle Document Management installations.
Implementation of our Daily Checks.
To deliver these automated checks Datel works with the customer and receive sign-off for Daily Checks Implementation - authorising the various options such as timescales for archiving/deletion, exclusions etc.
Hard Disk Space Checks - We will take action or advise when the disk space falls below an agreed threshold.
Annual SQL Health check.
To check things such as:
Sage (and related products) SQL Backups to Hard Disk checks - confirming the SQL backups have run without errors.
Monitoring SQL server windows services
Monitoring SQL error logs.
Monitoring SQL server agent jobs such as re-indexing, optimisation etc.
Monitoring & maintenance of SQL Maintenance Plans (backup, optimisation etc).
Setup and amendments to SQL Maintenance Plans at the request of the customer for databases covered under a support contract.
Writing SQL views on Sage X3 data (depending on complexity).
Fixing broken queries, views, triggers and stored procedures written by Datel (depending on complexity).
Simple SQL Database Repair.
Assist with ODBC connections for Crystal Reports.
Troubleshooting server performance Issues - Ad-hoc monitoring of SQL performance/connections.
Investigating SQL server errors.
Investigating SQL server backup failures to local disk (of databases covered under contract).
Quarterly check for missing indexes to improve performance of Sage X3 and any associated reporting tools.
Quarterly check of file growth and space projection.
Status check on the MongoDB service - an additional database used by the Syracuse layer of Sage X3.
Setup of MongoDB backups.
Monitor MongoDB backups.
SSL Certificate renewal - implementation of a new https security certificate.
Monitor Sage X3 automated batch server tasks (in Usage > Query Management).
Monitor Sage X3 accounting tasks - the background task that automates the financial postings.
Using Sage X3's SVG functionality to take a backup of the live data and loading this into a demo/test folder.
Amendments to global parameters in the Administration module - typically covering the Syracuse layer.
Advice / how do I queries on amendments to existing security profiles / copy of existing security profile with minor changes.
Guidance on setting up users and amending access settings (prior system admin training is a pre-requisite).
Setup of EDM (Electronic Document Management) User for use with the V1 modules - document archiving, scanning etc.
Creating New Users for you - creating new users and using a security profile that is in current use.
Set up of SEI Users (Sage Enterprise Intelligence reporting add-on).
Applying new X3 licenses or renewals.
Assistance with applying a new X3 licence or renewal.
Sage X3 official hotfixes released by Sage UK to fix a specific issue related to a support ticket.
Bug fixes to Datel's Fusion product range to fix a specific issue related to a support ticket.
SEI (Sage Enterprise Intelligence) hotfixes to fix a specific issue related to a support ticket.
Bug fixes for Datel Bespoke covered under a support contract.
Crystal Reports - Assistance / how do I support on crystal report alterations to stationary layouts or reports.
Crystal Reports - amendments performed by the Datel support team of Sage X3 reports (up to 1/2 consultancy day effort).
Advice on (not doing for you) how to add fields, adding fields to left list, using an import template etc.
Delivering small projects through support requiring less than half a 1/2 consultancy day.
E.g. Can I create a new field on xxx, can I add a field to a left list , how can I use an import Template to update customers etc.
Advice / How to do I use Sage X3 requesters - a reporting tool within Sage X3.
Delivering new and amendments to Sage X3's Requesters - a reporting tool within Sage X3.
Adding new fields (delivered for you via support) to screens/tables where it is deemed safe to do so.
Increasing the length of fields (delivered for you via support) on individual screens where possible.
Other minor screen/entry transaction amendments - change to field names, making fields mandatory etc.
Setup new Entry Transactions (for you via support) to make transaction entry screens such as sales orders, purchase invoices etc.
Assistance/advice with setting up new entry transactions or amending existing ones.
Assistance / advice on how to make changes to Email Layout for outgoing documentation.
Delivering EDM changes to email layout for outgoing documentation.
Assistance / How do I queries on Sage Enterprise Intelligence.
Sage Enterprise Intelligence Reporting - Minor changes to the data models (e.g. adding a new field).
Sage Enterprise Intelligence - Ad-hoc training for experienced users (e.g. how do i...).
Archiving log files related to the Sage X3 application.
Purging temporary files (housekeeping) in the various temp directories related to Sage X3.
Purging X3 batch server requests (housekeeping) in Usage > Request Management.
Setup housekeeping tasks.
Data imports/exports.
Assistance and guidance on using the import templates within Sage X3 e.g. to create/update customers, sales orders etc.
Investigating and remediating findings from Vulnerability Scans specific to Sage Server (subject to author recommendations/limitations).
Using Sage X3's SVG functionality to take a backup of the live data and loading this into a demo/test folder.
Advice and guidance on amendments to VAT boxes.
The advice would be how to achieve a specific result in Sage X3 rather than how something should be treated from a VAT perspective.
Provide guidance on setup of new and amendments to existing VAT entities.
Troubleshooting issues involving the server side connection to the HMRC portal for online submission.
Guidance on the the Sage X3 MTD process.
Advice on how to setup/amend new GL accounts.
Advice on the setup and amendment of statis data such as Customers/Suppliers/Inventory etc.
Assistance and advice with period/year-end closing.
Assistance with new fiscal year/period setup.
Assistance where an existing reconciliation goes out of balance.
The reconciliation needs to have recently been balanced and the reports required to perform the reconciliation must already exist on the system.
Setup of a new simple workflow rule/notification (not involving Fusion HTML).
Basic amendments to existing workflow rules - change to criteria, recipients, wording of the e-mail etc.
Amendments to existing Fusion Workflow HTML layouts.
Tracing issues with the workflow rules.
Monitor Sage X3 batch server tasks/scripts used as part of existing interfaces.
Minor changes to interface or import files.
We will provide some guidance for the occasional "How do I" question from experience and trained users but anything required more than a quick call/reply will be deemed as required consultancy.
Installation of our ZS017 support tools to assist in the automation of housekeeping and provide real-time monitoring of the system to ensure optimum performance and pro-active reporting of any issues.
You can find more information on each of our specialised support services in our service add-on pages, including how they can benefit your business and insights from other Datel customers.
Our Monitor service will keep an expert eye on your systems by carrying out daily checks for space availability, addressing any errors and conducting fundamental housekeeping tasks.
Our Assist service provides additional advice and assistance for your in-house team. Users can contact our team whatever their query, as no question is too basic or too difficult.
The most comprehensive addition to our standard support service. It will free up your IT managers and employees, allowing them to concentrate on strategic initiatives that drive your business forward.
If you’d like to extend your support service to include Assist, Monitor or Manage, get in touch with the team.
You can call the team directly between 9 - 5:30 Monday to Friday.
Send us an email with a description of your
support query.
Log a ticket direct via the Datel support portal.
Log a ticket via the Datel website.