Add-on products and services

Fusion Excel Connect

Compatible with:

Sage Intacct

Sage 200

Sage X3

Sage 1000

Sage Line 500

Reduce data duplication and improve visibility without losing the familiarity of Excel.

Spend less time on data entry

If your teams are spending time rekeying data into Sage from Microsoft Excel, Fusion Excel Connect is a quick and easy option.

Fusion Excel Connect allows your Sage users to enter data into Excel, delve into pick lists, validate that data, and push it into Sage. And all while ensuring your own data governance rules.

Administrator-defined mappings give you complete access control

Track activity through the built-in audit trail, and offer instant data governance feedback

A modular approach offers flexibility and scalability so your solution grows with you

Create and edit data in Excel

Users can work within familiar spreadsheets they use every day. 

Fusion Excel Connect makes the routine entry of data such as account data, sales orders, purchases and stock quick and efficient. It allows users, especially those in finance, to manipulate their data first in the familiar environment of Microsoft Excel and then post it directly into Sage without any rekeying. 

Instant feedback indicates whether this has been done correctly, enabling users who are not experienced in Sage the ability to confidently enter data into the system. Users can also browse data from Sage, such as nominal codes, costs centres and departments, and select and drop it into Microsoft Excel.


Administrator-defined mappings

Administrators are able to control what users can see and do in an easy to use environment. They are responsible for creating the sheet, selecting a range of cells in Microsoft Excel and associating them with fields in Sage. 

Fusion Excel Connect has the intelligence to validate the design to ensure the correct fields have been mapped before it is published to users. Administrators can also define browses to live Sage data and create their own fixed lists of values, restricting what users can browse on. So for example, users can be limited to certain VAT codes, cost centres or a range of nominal codes.

Craig talking through laptop

A modular approach

Fusion Excel Connect is modular. Purchase only the sheets that you need now, and if you wish, add more over time.

The Datel team are continually developing new sheets through a process of working closely with customers to identify need.  As new sheets become available, you can add them to your Fusion Excel Connect product.

Sage Intacct Sheets
Sheet Summary

General Ledger Journal

Allows for the import of GL Journals. Ability to create, update and download journal transactions.

Purchase Ledger Invoice

Allows for the creation of Purchase Ledger Invoices against the Purchase Ledger and the ability to browse on relevant account codes and post in to the Purchase Ledger.
Also allows for the creation of the invoice as draft.

Purchase Ledger Supplier

Allows for the creation, download, amendment or deletion of Purchase Ledger Suppliers.

Sales Ledger Cash

Allows the creation of cash receipts with allocations to open items.
Also allows the creation of an unallocated cash receipt (cash advance).

Sales Ledger Customer

Allows for the creation, download, amendment or deletion of Sales Ledger Customers.

Sales Ledger Invoice

Allows for the creation of Sales Ledger Invoices against the Sales Ledger and the ability to browse on relevant account codes and post in to the Sales Ledger.
Also allows for the creation of the invoice as draft.

Sales Ledger Invoice with Billback

Replicates the functionality of the bill back function in Intacct which results in the creation of Sales Ledger and Purchase Leger Invoice.


Allows for the creation, download, amendment or deletion of Contracts.

Sales Transactions

Allows for the creation, download, amendment or deletion of Sales Transactions.

Purchase Transactions

Allows for the creation, download, amendment or deletion of Purchase Transactions.

Sales Order Price List

Allows for the creation, download, amendment or deletion of sales pricelists and their details.

Tax Record

Allows the user to view the TAXRECORD information held in Intacct and extract the data in order to submit in their desired way. The user can apply updates to any custom fields on the object.
All standard fields are read only as per Sage rules.

Purchase Ledger Cash

This sheet is based on the accounts payable pay AP purchase invoices option in Sage.
Allows for the creation of Supplier payments against purchase invoices. Supplier credits and adjustments can also be applied as part of the payment against the invoices.

Accounts Receivable Adjustments

Allows for the creation, download and update of AR Adjustments (credit memo and debit memo).

Recurring Sales Transactions

Allows the user to create and delete recurring sales transactions, in line with the ‘Order Entry – Recurring Transactions’ option. Also supports downloads.

Recurring Sales Invoices

Allows the user to create recurring sales invoices in line with the ‘Accounts Receivable – Recurring AR Sales Invoices’ option.


Sage 200 Sheets
Sheet Summary

Nominal Ledger Journal

Allows for the import of NL Journals. Ability to create journal transactions including reversing, recurring and previous journals.

CB Cash - Cash Receipts and Payments

Allows for the creation of nominal vatable receipts and payments and nominal non-vatable receipts and payments.
Supports bank accounts or nominal codes.
Browse capability on key fields.

Sales Ledger Invoice

Allows for the posting of Sales Ledger Invoices and/or credit notes against the Sales Ledger and the ability to browse on relevant account codes and post into the Sales Ledger.
Supports transaction analysis codes, the validation of reference and second reference, and the creation of opening balance transactions.
Ability to set the query flag on creation.

Purchase Ledger Invoice

Allows for the posting of Purchase Ledger Invoices and/or credit notes against the Purchase Ledger and the ability to browse on relevant account codes and post into the Purchase Ledger.
Supports transaction analysis codes, the validation of reference and second reference, and the creation of opening balance transactions.
Also provides the ability to set the query flag on creation.

Sales Orders

Create, download and amend Sales Orders in Sage including mapping of analysis codes.
Also provides the ability to convert a quote to an order.
Supported transaction types are order, quote, return and proforma.

Sales Ledger Cash

Allows the user to enter SL cash items in to Excel to create either unallocated or allocated payments and/or receipts.
When allocating, provides the ability to either match manually or choose to automatically match based on references, an exact value or oldest first. The user is then able to associate each cash payment/receipt with the correct invoice.
Also supports grouped transactions.

Purchase Ledger Cash

Allows the user to enter PL cash items in to Excel to create either unallocated or allocated payments and/or receipts.
When allocating, provides the ability to either match manually or choose to automatically match based on references, an exact value or oldest first. The user is then able to associate each cash payment/receipt with the correct invoice.
Also supports grouped transactions.

Project cost adjustments

Post cost and revenue adjustments to projects. If costs are posted to the wrong project, these can be adjusted to the appropriate project. Mispostings can also be adjusted quickly and easily.
Supports transactional analysis codes.

Purchase Orders

Create, download and amend Purchase Orders in Sage including mapping of analysis codes.
Supports the ability to print the Purchase Order.
Supported transaction types are order and return.

Inter Account Transfer

Allows for the recording of bank transfers between accounts replicating the functionality of the Cashbook Inter Account Transfers option within Sage 200.  Allows the user to record the movement of money from one account to another, including foreign currency transfers with exchange rates, capture commissions and record nominal postings.

Stock Master

Used to create, download and amend stock records, including the ability to upload to multiple warehouse combinations without the need to split the upload by warehouse. Enables the ability to create bins and populate the legislative information.
The sheet supports the supplier, memo, search category and analysis code tabs allowing multiple entries for each plus support for pricing, units of measure and batch information.
The amendment also allows the changing of the stocks product group.

Stock Transfer

Replicates the functionality of the Transfer Stock option in Sage allowing for multiple transfers of stock from one location to another, in a single upload.

Sales Ledger Allocation

Replicates the Allocation option within the Sales Ledger in Sage 200 allowing the user to allocate existing open items.
Also allows automatic allocation by date.

Project Accounting

Allows for the creation, download and amendment of projects.
Supports the following tabs - details, costs and charges, contact info, memo, nominal defaults, additional information, budgets by period, customer billing details and billing schedule.

Sales Order Invoice

Replicates the functionality of Sales Order Invoice from the invoicing option within Sage 200 allowing for the creation of invoices or credit notes.

Bill of Materials

Allows users to create, update and delete Bills of Materials. The sheet features a download function which allows one or more BOMs to be downloaded into the sheet, this makes editing or copying a BOM much easier.
Operations, Resources, components, Sub Contract details, Analysis Codes can all be specified for a create or amended on an existing BOM.
Version control details can also be specified if enabled in Sage.

Sales Ledger Customer

Allows for the creation, download, amendment or deletion of Sales Ledger Customers.

Purchase Ledger Supplier

Allows for the creation, download, amendment or deletion of Purchase Ledger Suppliers.

Purchase Ledger Allocation

Replicates the Allocation option within the Purchase Ledger in Sage 200 allowing the user to allocate existing open items.

Also allows automatic allocation by date.


Replicates the ‘enter values’ function of the manage stocktake option within Sage 200. Following creation of the stocktake card, allows the user to download the stock card into the sheet where they can enter the values and update the card from the comfort of Excel, back into Sage 200.

For non-traceable items, the user can choose to complete the stocktake card, replicating the completion functionality within Sage 200. For traceable items, this sheet enhances the functionality of Sage 200, allowing the user to download the stocktake card with a full itemised breakdown of batch and/or serial numbers. The user can then enter values at the batch/serial level and then complete the card which will perform the necessary stock movements (i.e. add stock or write off stock) in Sage.

Stock Movement

Allows the user to add or write off stock in accordance with Sage the ‘add stock’/’write off stock options’, enabling users to adjust stock levels without requiring a full stock take process.


Sage X3 Sheets
Sheet Summary

General Ledger Journal

Allows for the import of General Ledger Journals.
Browses can also be created for LineSite, Collective and BP.
Includes a Set Site Config feature that auto creates browses for Nominal accounts and dimensions.

General Ledger Budgets

GL Budget Adjustments.
Replicates the Budget Adjustments option in Sage.
Includes a Set Budget Config feature that will auto generate browses for budget code, budget version, account codes and dimensions.

Supplier BP Invoice

Allows users to enter one or multiple Supplier Invoices.
Includes a download notes feature which returns any notes associated to the supplier.
Note - This is for display purposes only and no changes made to the notes within Excel are uploaded to Sage.

Customer BP Invoice

Allows users to enter one or multiple Customer Invoices with support for intercompany transactions.

General Ledger Intercompany Journal

Replicates the Sage Intercompany Journal entry option.
Journals are generated across multiple sites. These sites must be set up within Sage to allow intercompany journals.

Sales Ledger Invoice for non-managed stock

Allows users to enter invoices or credits as per the Sales Invoices option in X3.
Supports updating notes at the line level.

Sales Orders

Allows for the creation of Sales Orders either as individual orders or multiple orders in a single upload.

Purchase Orders

Allows for the creation of Purchase Orders either as individual orders or multiple orders in a single upload.

Cash Receipts & Payments

Allows users to create Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable payments and receipts. By default, the BNPAY and BNRCN transactions are supported.
If the user wishes to enter a different transaction, then configuration changes including web services and razor templates must be added.
Also supports sales ledger cash receipt allocation to invoices.


Sage 1000 / Line 500 Sheets
Sheet Summary

General Ledger Journal

Allows users to create an unposted General Ledger journal batch.

Sales Ledger Customer

Allows for the creation and amendment of SL Customers.

Sales Orders

Allows for the creation, download and amendment of Sales Orders either as individual orders or multiple orders in a single upload.

Purchase Orders

Allows for the creation, download and amendment of Purchase Orders either as individual orders or multiple orders in a single upload.

Sales Ledger Invoice

Creates unposted Sales Ledger Invoice or credit note batches, uploaded either as individual invoices or multiple invoices.

Purchase Ledger Invoice

Creates unposted Purchase Ledger Invoice or credit note batches, uploaded either as individual invoices or multiple invoices.

General Ledger Posting Code Creation

Allows for the creation of General Ledger account codes including at cost centre level, department, posting code level and account code level.

Sales Ledger Cash

Allows for the creation of an unposted SL cash batch in Sage which can contain allocations. The allocations can either be matched manually or the user can choose to automatically match and associate each cash payment with the correct invoice.

Stock Master

Allows for the creation, download and amendment of stock records including technical pages.

Price List

Allows for the download and amendment of price list information back in to the PO or SO price list file.

Purchase Ledger Supplier

Allows for the creation and amendment of PL Suppliers.

CB Cash - Cash Payments & Receipts

Allows for the creation of unposted Cash Payment and Receipt batches.

Exchange Rates (with connector)

Allows for the import of exchange rates in to Sage 1000 exchange rate structures.
Ability to download exchange rates from your chosen service in to Microsoft Excel and then upload them in to Sage.

Exchange Rates

Allows for the import exchange rates in to Sage 1000 exchange rate structures.

General Ledger Transactional Analysis

Provides the ability to update analysis fields on general ledger transactions.

Bill of Materials

Allows for the creation, download and amendment of Sage 1000 Bill of Materials.
Supports multi assemblies.

Stock Movement

Supports stock movements: adjustments, bin to bin, inter-warehouse transfer, scrap and production issue by dept.
Also allows for the download of Stock batch information.

Works Order Create

Allows for the creation of works orders.
Also allows additional component lines that are not part of the BOM to be added to the works order during creation.

MRP Forecast

Allows users to create an MRP Forecast in Sage. Forecasts are a plan of expected orders and are used to generate demand for MRP.


"We use Fusion Excel Connect for our larger customer orders, orders that would usually take around 30 minutes to input are now uploaded in less than 1 minute. It has eliminated keying errors and allowed our team more time to focus on building customer relationships."

Carl Gargan, Customer Services Manager at Vitaflo International Limited

About Fusion

Our Fusion range works with your core Sage solution to align your technology with your business needs. Headed up by R&D Director Tim Purcell, our R&D team works with emerging technologies to learn how they impact your business. From process automation to quick and easy data entry, we proactively seek user feedback and deliver new additions to streamline your business processes.


Fusion add-ons from Datel

From process automation to quick and easy data entry, we’re always looking for better ways to streamline your business processes. We test our Fusion range throughout development to guarantee quality and reliability.

Dedicated Sage consultants

Our teams use proven methodologies to build and support our add-ons.

Trusted technical support

High standards and specialist expertise mean minimum disruption and maximum uptime.

Innovation that supports your growth

Our R&D team creates bespoke solutions to expand your Sage solution to your needs.

Make Excel easier with Datel

If you’d like to know more about how we can help you reduce manual data entry and streamline your experience, speak to our team today.